Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday evening inspected the construction of the new Parliament building in central Delhi, hours after returning from the Unites States. Modi visited the site around 8.45pm, and spent nearly an hour there during the inspection.
According to the Central Vista plan approved by the Centre, the North and South Block office complexes will be turned into national museums, the Indira Gandhi National Centre will be relocated, and the National Archives will be remodelled. The PM’s residence will be shifted behind the existing South Block complex while the residence of the Vice President is proposed to be relocated behind North Block. The Vista will be ready to host the next Republic Day parade in 2022, Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri said on September 16.
HT on June 30 reported the Vice President’s enclave and the new Parliament House will be the first buildings to be completed, and work on shifting the national museum to the North and South Block will commence last, in the elaborate plan for the Vista revamp that requires moving people and offices over the course of the next six years.